Psicólogo Enrique Puebla

Especialista en Terapia Breve Centrada en Soluciones

Conoce a Enrique Puebla Rosales

¡Hola! Soy Enrique Puebla Rosales, psicólogo especializado en terapia breve centrada en soluciones, con más de 10 años de experiencia ayudando a mis consultantes a construir soluciones efectivas y concretas. Te invito a contactarme y acompañarte en tu viaje hacia tu bienestar personal.

Servicios Profesionales

Ofrezco servicios de terapia desde el enfoque centrado en soluciones, adaptada a tus necesidades personales y de pareja.

Terapia Individual
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.

Enfocada en tu bienestar emocional y crecimiento personal en sesiones personalizadas y efectivas.

A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
Arranged Scrabble tiles spell out the word 'THERAPY' on a white surface. Bright green leaves frame the image, with a plant pot in the background contributing an organic and serene aesthetic.
Arranged Scrabble tiles spell out the word 'THERAPY' on a white surface. Bright green leaves frame the image, with a plant pot in the background contributing an organic and serene aesthetic.
Terapia de Pareja

Apoyamos la comunicación y resolución de conflictos para fortalecer tus relaciones interpersonales.

Recursos y herramientas para tu desarrollo personal

Materiales para consultantes

Contáctame para terapia y consultas

Estoy aquí para ayudarte en tu proceso de cambio.

Wooden Scrabble tiles are arranged to form the motivational message: 'FOCUS ON REMEDIES NOT FAULTS'. The tiles are set against a plain, white background.
Wooden Scrabble tiles are arranged to form the motivational message: 'FOCUS ON REMEDIES NOT FAULTS'. The tiles are set against a plain, white background.


Consulta en Clínica Amancay, Punta Arenas. Ofrezco terapia individual y de pareja con un enfoque práctico y centrado en el cambio.

Clínica Amancay

Manantiales #01026, Punta Arenas, Chile.


Sábados, de 09:00 a 13:00 hrs.